Introduced for the first time by the Bundtland Report of the World Commission for Environment and Development (1987), the concept of sustainable development now runs through our daily life and has become a “current thinking”. Climate change, on the one hand, the scourge of the pandemic, on the other, now make responsibility for the future the main ethical message of generations. In fact, we question ourselves through what processes man has come to conceive of himself as the owner of the land, forgetting to be the inhabitant of it.
An important push towards change can come from young Millennials so that “the ability to ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the present generation is achieved without compromising the possibility of future generations to realize their own”.
For Fiscatech sustainability is a word taken seriously. A goal that has been pursued for years and at the same time a goal of progressive improvement in order to develop processes and products of sustainability that respect and interpret the logic from a triple point of view: social, environmental and economic.
Our challenge also knows and proposes a cultural renewal that Fiscatech interprets - together with the companies of Pellan Italia - and which intends to address communication and training objectives with targeted initiatives that will complete that horizon of sustainability defined and described in our mission.
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Environmental Sustainability
Fiscatech, respecting the environment and the territory, is committed to reducing the consumption of resources and emissions. A commitment in favor of the use of renewable energies and the promotion of good business practices that have made it possible to obtain the ISO 14001:2015 certification for the optimization of processes and the GRS certification which focuses on the recyclability of the resources used for the realization of sustainable products.
Fiscatech is a "PETA-Approved Vegan” brand.
The certificate –awarded by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)– ccertifies that no animals have been used –directly or indirectly– throughout the Fiscatech production processes: from the supply chain to the final product. Read more about PETA on
FISCATECH does not use materials of animal origin and adheres to the “Animal Free Fashion", the LAV project that promotes an ethical and sustainable fashion industry. Read more about Animal Free Fashion and LAV on
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Economic Sustainability
Defined as the ability to generate income and work for the livelihood of populations. Fiscatech intends to achieve this goal through the optimization of processes, growth and the involvement of human resources. The commitment made in recent years with a change of mentality based on risk management and the PDCA (Plan - Do - Check - Act) methodology now allows us to face the challenges of the market in a more competitive way.
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Social Sustainability
It is the ability to guarantee conditions of well-being (safety, health, participation,) equally distributed by class and gender. Always attentive to the ethics, involvement and safety of its resources and the community, FISCATECH has implemented a management system, the ISO 45001:2018 certification aimed at health and safety which is the cornerstone for monitoring and implementing these aspects.
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• ISO 45001:2018